North West Germany


Linz, September 17, 2009 security specialist under ground_8 has appointed Hans-Peter Steven (43) as the new channel manager for North West Germany and Belgium. Linz, September 17, 2009 security specialist under ground_8 has appointed Hans-Peter Steven (43) as the new channel manager for North West Germany and Belgium. In the course of its expansion into new markets, underground_8 reinforces also its sales activity in northwest of Germany and the bordering Belgium. For this reason, the Austrian security specialist took Hans-Peter Steven on board. He is responsible in particular for the Channelbetreuung and for obtaining new and taking care of the existing partner landscape. In the last ten years in the IT industry among others for tech data, Secuware, o2 and BitDefender, Steven worked as business development manager. Steven goal-oriented and customer-oriented sales style for the introduction of new products could score points in these companies. “Most security solutions for infrastructure are on large companies with” relevant specialists and budgets but not tailored to, small and medium-sized companies”, explains Steven. “Just for this target group, underground_8 offers professional solutions, which are ideal with its ground-breaking technologies such as stealth firewalling and the possibility to scan encrypted connections without large overhead for this target group. “The potential for us and our resellers is gigantic and suitable, which have deals thanks to the user-oriented implementation variants also for resellers up to date still not with the issue of security.”

Irons Hair Plates


The plates of hairs are today used by the vast majority of women. We spent hours choosing clothes, are going store to store in search of something unique and perfect; then looking for shoes and accessories that combine perfectly with the clothes, and finally seeking makeup perfect to look pretty when it comes out. But what’s with the hair?, we can not leave it aside. Hair performs a fundamental role to achieve the perfect outfit. Because if salts on the street with hair made a disaster, all you gastaste on clothing, footwear and accessories not worth. As we all know, the plates of hairs are a helpful tool for us. That is why we should choose the best plates of hair at the time of buying one. It is very important that you set you have the iron temperature control, so that you can regulate the temperature and expose your hair to heat so high if it is not very thick.

Be ceramic, because there are many imitators that claim to be ceramic but are not, that’s why that many times you don’t observe the results that you were expecting. There some that they come with ions, tourmaline, etc. All this helps you to take much more care of your hair and prevent it from burning. With the plates, we can achieve any kind of look in a matter of seconds. We can make waves, curly hair, and everything you can imagine.

On the market there plates of all sizes, with large plates, which serve to perfect smooth; others with small plates, which are used to make waves in the hair and also to straighten short hair. Thanks to the plates of hairs, be beautiful can achieve it very easy. Why do not think that the plates you will damage the hair. You obviously must take additional care, how to use treatments for hair that protect it from the heat. It is always good to perform each 7/8 days treatment in the hair and leave on for several minutes, so hair rests a little heat from the iron and take as a respite for the new section of heat. And in addition to everything, most important is that you must have a very good iron to your side. But believe me that first you won’t get what you were expecting, and second there it will damage your hair.



Classical church with the white bride at a wedding in a suit of diving and frog’s legs. Currently, there are many informal alternatives for those couples who wish to join together in marriage but do not feel akin in a formal ceremony. They are on the beach or outdoor weddings, themed weddings and, also, underwater weddings. Even if you avoid the great banquet and extensive guest list there are many details to consider. If you choose an area where it is not necessary to a diving suit, but that it is sufficient with an oxygen box, they should opt for lightweight suits or, directly, swimsuits. Bridal gown may consist of a lightweight skirt to combine with your swimsuit and continue looking like a bride, even under water. Another very original option, is a suit that simulates a siren. Those participating in the ceremony, moved in boat or sailboat to the area of the sea where they are to plunge.

Remember that the guests, who may not be many aguardaran there, so it would be highly desirable to offer a cocktail While they are waiting. Surely, the reception will be held over there and as in all outdoor weddings, it is important that food is fresh. Under water may not comunicarsa rather than with signs and a Blackboard where is more questions ralizaran the two important: if they are accepted as husbands, must fill the lockers of Yes and no and if someone objects, let us hope that fish do not know talk. As for the Godfather, care should not lose the rings with the current. Dare to celebrate in a different way and make sure that no one interrupted your wedding with this original option.

Calls On The Plane: It Lacks Acceptance


Survey of users and airlines shows great skepticism towards new possibilities in the population, the new EU directive is not good arrived. Pediatrics to learn more. Although the scheme gives the customers more freedom, many to her NAP on the way to the business meeting or holiday fear. Also a survey of the more technology-affine users from indicates that many consider the service skeptical and dismissive: only a barely one-fifth of readers welcomed the new service, more than 50 percent totally reject the calls above the clouds. Also the airlines keep mostly covered in this topic. Only a few pioneers such as the Irish budget airline Ryanair already intensively deal with the technology. The German industry leader Lufthansa wants to carry only a satellite phone and offer in addition only data services for passengers, because they may not disturb other passengers. The Netzbetrieber, however, see a tremendous opportunity in the new business field and want this service their customers like to offer. None of the four German operators can come up with concrete plans, but expected with higher costs than for the ordinary phone calls abroad.

EU media revenue Commissioner Viviane Reding contradicts this assessment and expected prices, based on the existing roaming charges, the party wants to put but no upper price limit per EU directive. It stresses however that an innovative and transparent pricing is important to you. Link to the magazine: magazine/167.html about is the mobile-knowledge portal of the inside-intermedia online publishing GmbH & co. KG from Bruhl and has one of the most comprehensive mobile databases in the German-speaking Internet (more than 350 features, with over 1300 units). It aims, understandable, easy and currently represent the complex content of mobile telephony. has a large News area with newsletter and RSS feed, a mobile Finder, calculator, test reports, Forum, dictionary and much more. has almost 10 million pageviews (according to IVW) per month of one of the strongest range mobile portals in Germany. The use of this press release is of course free of charge. Please send a specimen copy to the following address.

Intellectual Property


In industrial society, the employee performs strictly regulated types of operations, he does not need to think about how to do, what to do, you just do it. There comes a time when companies focused on this type of production, start to go down in history. Get at least our Avtovaz – and it works best domestic auto industry. In the emerging new information society is the most profound changes. Information path of development involves the introduction of innovative products.

Innovative product – the product that have no competitors, the product that gives the company a head start over other organizations. The new data path of development plays a major role intellectual capital, namely that capital, which we are not accustomed to paying attention. Human resources, namely those resources that are put forward new ideas, which seem to Initially mad, and then passing the stages of commercialization, becoming a new innovative product. The development of intellectual capital in organizations is a serious question, requiring detailed consideration of certain approaches, staff incentives. resses the importance of the matter here. Many of our organizations, especially with staff turnover, there is no question about training its staff, such as real estate agents from the newly incoming employees squeezed all the juice, causing them to make a monotonous job, eventually, after a year of such employee begins to realize that he and the agency need not, collect as much information – databases, relations – namely, that relates to intellectual property organizations, and goes into free-swimming, as happens in many other organizations, first employee of accumulating experience and connections, and then goes and works themselves.

Final Decision


ROWA automatisierungssysteme GmbH has the Karlsruhe administrative court on the legality of the use of the Advisory on September 26, 2008 and output terminals visavia decided by a pharmacy in Mannheim. The Court did not allow currently still the visavia, because some few, rather formal legal aspects visavia are not yet sufficiently by the consulting and distribution terminals. The Karlsruhe Administrative Court’s decision is not yet final and is Baden-Wurttemberg are checked in the next instance from the administrative court their correctness. Also, the Verwaltungsgericht Karlsruhe saw the need to such a review because the appeal was expressly permitted. Although many good reasons that the concern shown by the Administrative Court in Karlsruhe upheld, ROWA on behalf of pharmacies and the will to serving patients and customers as far as possible of the consulting and distribution terminals visavia adjustments. This should cause that also in accordance with the preliminary view of the Verwaltungsgericht Karlsruhe operate of the visavia is further possible.

Dare To Be Happy


Most, if not all of us suffer from any lack of love towards ourselves. Babies do not doubt his own greatness and perfection. They’re not afraid to claim what they want, they express their emotions freely. They love your entire body. All have been babies and we felt as well. holzer would like to discuss. We are born knowing us deserving of everything good and perfect. Then we heard the adults who surround us and began to deny our own magnificence.

We learn to feel us with life and ourselves according to the reactions of the adults who surround us. I.e. If we have lived with people unhappy, wrathful, scary, critical, with guilt, we learned negative things about ourselves, about others and about life. Almost all have absurd ideas about who we are and how we live life, ideas that often limit us and hinder us our own acceptance. Examples: I am a perfect imbecile I am silly the mothers-in-law are unbearable money can hardly win him women are bad conductive men they are about children anyone cares my opinion thinks evil and be right does not trust nor of thy father nobody can love me children are a base of all problem, discomfort, feeling can annoying always is the lack of love for oneself. How is well known, nobody can love another if not first loves himself. It is very difficult to accept us because we have inside these alleged defects that make us impossible to love us as we are. We demand us to be perfect and if we are not we can not feel good. But do and who said that we must be perfect? Do you perhaps know someone perfect? There are a few simple steps on the path of respect and acceptance of one’s own: stop criticizing us: most have the habit of criticism so entrenched that us is not easy to get rid of him.

Curriculum Vitae


Licenciatura Ricardo Candela these houses in the street and you sound your mobile phone: If alo. Consultant: Good are ABC human resources consultancy. You: If consultant: you have received your Curriculum Vitae for the post of accountant: If consultant: we are starting the recruitment process, and for that we need to know their economic aspirations. You: You want to know how much I want to win? Consultant: If you: how much do you offer? Consultant: We do not have that information, our client has not given this information, so we want to know how much you want to win? Pausing. You that would respond? I inform you that companies always know how much should be paid by a post. There is no serious consultancy that make calls to make that question, because it is part of the profile demanded by its customers.

So why make it? For three reasons. The first would like to know how much you value the market?. It is a kind of disposable tactic of psychological concept. According to some specialists, the economic value associated with the personal value. I disagree with this, since there are variables that affect or pressuring wanting to make a good impression.

Either you is up, or is down. The second: seeks to which least requests. It is a simple strategy and practice. That’s what you ordered. It is a response to an applicant in a company who announced that the job required too much commitment, requested a variation in their wage aspiration. Third: to group candidates. It usually sits the candidate into three groups according to variables such as: experience, studies, family burden, availability and salary.Depending on that factor will give more weight, an applicant can complete in the first group: meets the conditions a priori for the post. or a third group: gathers some requirements a priori for the post.

Kaltenbach Training Has A Dual Leadership


Ralph Guttenberger and Walter Kaltenbach now jointly lead the consulting company specializing in technical sales. A dual leadership has since the beginning of the year on the technical sales training and consultancy specialized Kaltenbach training, Bobingen (in eels). In the future, except by the company’s founder and former owner Walter Kaltenbach, it is led by Ralph Guttenberger. The experienced sales trainer, consultant and coach took over a major share of the training company at 1 January and entered the company as second Managing Director. Together, the two sales professionals will lead the company until 2014. Afterwards, Walter Kaltenbach withdraws from the management for reasons of age. As a successor to Walter Kaltenbach Ralph Guttenberger was chosen in a multi-stage selection process, key customers of Kaltenbach training were involved in that.

“This occurred against the background that in the training and consulting business of Kaltenbach loud a people business” is, the largely lives of the customer Advisor relationship. Therefore a successful business transfer only works if customers the expertise and personality of the successor are convinced and have the same confidence as the previous owner for him.” This is the case when Ralph Guttenberger, inter alia for the following reasons: the former Jet pilot in the air force and Commander of a squadron who as an engineer for aeronautical engineering the technical understanding and expertise to gain the acceptance of necessary technical vendors. Also, due to his training at the St. Gallen business school and his 21-year occupation in executive positions at various companies Guttenberger has much practical experience in the areas of human resources and corporate governance. He also looks back on 20 years of experience in building and managing sales teams in several (franchise) companies from the construction sector, so that he knows what is (not) in sales. The same applies to the training area in the Guttenberger has worked for many years. Presenting the new leadership duo of Kaltenbach training a broad public will inter alia on January 30 in Wurzburg in the context of a power tag with the title winner of the day after tomorrow”.

There Guttenberger will experience the new (times) before the present entrepreneurs, executives and vendors under the heading”speak about the success secrets from top sellers. As other top speakers for the kick-off day at the beginning of the year, Kaltenbach has involved training Frank Scheelen. “The known management and success coach is among other things on the subject of future management: how fit is your business?” talk. He is the present numerous practical tips, as they prepare for the market of tomorrow your company or the area entrusted to them. For the participation in the event winners from the day after tomorrow”on 30 January in Wurzburg have to invest interested 195 euros (plus VAT). There you can register event for that.

Professional Insurance


University distance and future: a professional insurance life circumstances lead us to take immediate decisions to fix our present but we often lose sight of what is best in the long term. Ornish M.D. This is what many arise when they reflect long ago and and discovered that decision entering the labour market without a solid educational base not served great thing. Often need to work prevails over other obligations of life leaving aside other possibilities that today could have taken further. This is what he thinks many people when you think he would have liked to attend college at the time and believed, wrongly we already it has no chance of recovering lost time. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Now the possibility of choosing a University that offers degrees to study at your own pace and distance from where you are (home, work, etc). This possibility opens many doors to whom at the time not studied, or who decided to specialize her training by profesiona1es issues or the simple pleasure of learn. Studies that offer these centers have the same utility and value to any degree issued by normal universities. The thematic programmes are adapted to those established and which Yes means a big change is the method to follow the course. The educational platforms like moodle, forums, blogs, exchange of information, facilitate a flow of multidirectional information profesor-alumnos – mates which is not achieved in a conventional classroom. The fact of being able to organize the hours of study according to convenience is another advantage offered by this type of educational approaches. Personal tutors are the figures proposed by the University that make moderators and solve the questions that students may have. With them it can keep a relationship via mail or telephone depending on availability of the professor.

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