Classical church with the white bride at a wedding in a suit of diving and frog’s legs. Currently, there are many informal alternatives for those couples who wish to join together in marriage but do not feel akin in a formal ceremony. They are on the beach or outdoor weddings, themed weddings and, also, underwater weddings. Even if you avoid the great banquet and extensive guest list there are many details to consider. If you choose an area where it is not necessary to a diving suit, but that it is sufficient with an oxygen box, they should opt for lightweight suits or, directly, swimsuits. Bridal gown may consist of a lightweight skirt to combine with your swimsuit and continue looking like a bride, even under water. Another very original option, is a suit that simulates a siren. Those participating in the ceremony, moved in boat or sailboat to the area of the sea where they are to plunge.

Remember that the guests, who may not be many aguardaran there, so it would be highly desirable to offer a cocktail While they are waiting. Surely, the reception will be held over there and as in all outdoor weddings, it is important that food is fresh. Under water may not comunicarsa rather than with signs and a Blackboard where is more questions ralizaran the two important: if they are accepted as husbands, must fill the lockers of Yes and no and if someone objects, let us hope that fish do not know talk. As for the Godfather, care should not lose the rings with the current. Dare to celebrate in a different way and make sure that no one interrupted your wedding with this original option.