Want to order a portrait of a loved one, stop time and capture all your favorite person for what it is? Or make a substantial gift, remembering that the business partner is an important date is coming? Or maybe just want to leave children and grandchildren of his portrait, perhaps, laying the foundation the family art gallery? Apparently, you should contact the artist Dmitry Karpukhin. Portrait of oil in order – this is one of artistic specialization wizard. In Gallery on the website you can appreciate his style and skill with which characteristics are transmitted very different people. Very young and already aged, respectable and naive, emotional, and thoughtful – all of them alive. All pictures and external transfer features, and a reflection of the inner world of man depicted on them. But this is the skill of a portrait. Commission a portrait oil on canvas, often wants to, he hopes to preserve the history of his family.

Moscow – a metropolis, speed, vanity pictures just to get – but how easy to lose them … Paper photos are stored for decades – but lost, spoiled, lost, damaged … to change the format of digital media – and now through several years is difficult to find where to look when something such modern and still very dear to the heart images. A live web centuries. Holzer. Go to any art gallery, look at the number of private collections.

The last century – and images captured by artists live. Maybe that's why a growing number of people who want the beauty and durability, look, where to order a portrait in Moscow. Not the avant-garde, is not shocking – a beautiful portrait, executed in classical manner, and transmitting the image of man. Commission a portrait of Dmitri Karpukhina in several ways. In the Contact section on the website listed phone number and e-mail address by which you can send a request or ask any questions you have. When reached initial agreement, you will be able to discuss the ins and outs of work. After all, a portrait which will hang in his office and the portrait that will hang in the personal housing can be done quite differently. Maybe you want to commission a portrait oil made in specific colors. Or have parts that are sure to want to see in the picture. All of these issues solved, they should discuss in advance.