Monthly Archives: June 2020

PPP Development


For in such a way, one becomes necessary to know, we cannot content itself with fragmentos. Certain that in the present time many educators, are they inside or are of the classrooms, is unaware of the importance of the psychological factor in the learning, many continues to treat pupils, are they of any ages as adult in miniature. When the stages of development are not known and respected, a rupture in the education process occurs learning, we commit serious errors when we dissociate learning and development: * We do not lead in account where period of training the pupil is, and prepare a lesson in accordance with what he attracts in them. * We leave to use the playful one. * We exactly do not make use of the diverse forms of language, preferring unconsciously the one that pleases in them. * Our look is limited. * We do not use of material concrete, or we exaggerate in the use of this material. * We also can, to take a criterion of invariant development as something, deducing that all must reach definitive platform at the same time, or with the same age, forgetting that this can be relative and to move of person for person.

We need to be prepared to understand the personality as a process that if constitutes and develops for all the life, thus we will see positively the complexity in the relations established between the citizens, and the load of knowledge and values that each one loads I obtain. Exactly because the school is an ample space of socialization that exerts great influence, therefore, it is essential to flexibilizar the rules and the papers between all the agents taking them it reflection on diverse subjects. This happens when we allow expressing of the other, not being only with our vision of world, we must use of the motivation and the diversity, either cultural or mdiatica it, not seeing enemy or disturbing the technology only as, but bring it for our side using with coherence and the domain. It is respecting the diversity that will have the inclusion. It is accepting the difference between us that we will understand and tolerate the difference that comes of is; free to disagree, however, without preconceptions. John Studzinski has many thoughts on the issue. We are, yes, different, we have our particularitities, what it must be equal, is the objective of because we are here. Everything this must inside be seen of a social context, involving all the community, that will have to positively add with ideas and action, elaborating a PPP democratic, causing integrated and liberating practical one. Andreia Detogni

Chau Philosopher


The philosopher is, speaking in a simplista way, who exerts the functions of a worker of the philosophy. Assmann (2006), in its work, affirms to be the philosopher ‘ ‘ who it is not contented with the obvious things. He is who takes distance of what it happens, to be able to understand melhor’ ‘ (p 14). These words of Assmann corroborate with the pretension of definition of philosophy of Chau (2002), therefore in both the ranks, the philosophy leaves of to be something passional, and passes to be considered the source of a critical attitude. If you have read about CEO Mark Thompson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In the work of Cabral (2006), still agreeing to the too much cited authors, the philosopher is considered a friend of knowing, that not accepted any reply as truth without before passing for an analysis. Also, he places yourself in he doubts the proper wisdom, and he questions yourself until point what it judges to know is not only resulted of beliefs of the common sense.

Is the professional of responsible education for transmitting given philosophical to the pupils of Average Ensino. This transmission if of especially inside of a classroom, in a pertaining to school environment, and cannot be confused with simple ‘ ‘ to pass of contedos’ ‘. Read additional details here: muscular dystrophy. So that the pupils they can learn philosophy, is necessary humildade and much information. Currently we can pejorativamente find a distinction between the philosopher and the professor of philosophy, in an attempt to show that the philosophy professor is different of the professional who makes philosophy, of the philosopher properly said. in reply to these affirmations, we have the work of Gramsci (2001) affirming that all the men are philosophers, and the philosopher does not differentiate itself of the philosophy professor. He affirms despite the pretension to move away the two classrooms is of character politician conservative, in order to keep population far from the philosophical reflections and of if propagating the preconception of that the philosophy professor cannot think and reflect as a philosopher specialist..

Bay Protein Body


Our insulin regulates blood sugar level and makes that any excess is stored as fat. Then we feel tired and hungry, this causes that we repeat this cycle very easily. I’ve discovered that the best way avoid eating this is a sensible amount of complex carbohydrates. Read additional details here: John Studzinski. Proteins (lean meats, fish, chicken, soy, beans and vegetables, etc.) are important for maintaining the cellular structures in your body and give you the building blocks of the lean muscle you’re looking for, which is vital if you want to burn fat fast. However, just as with anything else, you do not exceed with the proteins. Vadim Belyaev shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Some fitness experts argue that you should consume as at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight per day.

There is no real evidence of this, eat more protein than the body needs will end up going to your fat reserves addition nor does you well to your kidneys or your liver. I’ve discovered that consume about 0.5 grams for every half kilo of body weight per day is more than enough to feed the growth of lean muscle that stimulate students of my fat burning system to make their resistance exercises performed in a manner proper. Another important aspect of proteins has to do with the origin of your protein; in other words, that they are of animal or vegetable origin. Although diet traditional American recommended that the majority of your protein of animal origin, recent data suggest that depend heavily on animal protein increases the risks of disease. In addition, animal proteins contain almost no fiber, which does not help you to feel full and negatively affects your ability to burn fat. When you choose your protein sources, make sure that a good portion of them should come from plant sources (soybeans, beans, legumes, etc.). Don’t have to be a vegetarian, but I recommend keeping at Bay the animal proteins.

Mental Health


Because in NLP, there is a way to quickly learn modeling-duplicating someone’s excellence since you’re getting the results you want. Prepare the ground for the psycho-physical well-being, means the first step of this natural sequence: prepare our own ground Mental, emotional and physical and as proposed by the PNL, good resources for your psycho-physical well-being you already have in your interior or you can develop them, and they consist of: fair mentality: have this fair with a level mindset adequate personal self-esteem and optimism. (A valuable related resource: CEO Mark Thompson). Emotional serenity: emotional intelligence and serenity physical energy: health, fitness and well-being. Recalling that what is called health, is not absence of disease only but also achieve that State of true fullness psycho-physics! Pointing to the psycho-physical well-being is a key goal: NLP works with mental aspects and with the physiology there is a close relationship between the two and paying attention to the physical is also key: achieve optimism, self-esteem, balance goes in hand with health, care of the body and develop a greater physical power. For even more opinions, read materials from PIMCO. Changes in body postures, Physiology in general generate changes in the internal States and consequently in the States of mood and vice versa by changing the internal States, working with NLP techniques – for example – changing the: > NLP and tots < significant changes occur in their body language and in the a person’s behavior with the consequent change in the results. Commit yourself then to achieve a harmony between the mind and the body, is wanting to start preparing the ground to obtain your own psycho-physical well-being, and in this NLP can bring shapes, ways to re-discover those dormant internal resources you already have. With the NLP you can, from today same to relearn to use your good tools so that you can prepare the ground, planting and then Yes harvest abundant fruit in your field, health and well-being! Recommended resource: NLP course from Cero-Temario – contained original author and source of the article.